Tue + Thu / 17:00-18:30 / Online - study anywhere! / Start: 04 Feb 2025/ Enrol now!
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Czech A2 Exam Preparation Course Online SUMMARY

Czech A2 Exam Preparation Course Online TEXTBOOK

In this course, you will cover the following chapters from the textbook: 13-24

Česky krok za krokem 1 textbook

Lída Holá – Česky krok za krokem 1

The first part of the popular textbook of Czech for foreigners by Lída Holá.

Czech A2 Exam Preparation Course Online FAQ


  • The conditional  – Kdybyclauses”; The modal verb mít
  • Adjectives  x adverbs; Forming adverbs; comparison of adjectives
  • The dative singular; Verbs used with the dative; Prepositions used with dative
  • The words mít rád x líbit se x chutnat; Dative object-centred expressions; Personal pronouns (short forms and forms after prepositions)
  • The instrumental singular; Prepositions used with the instrumental; Prepositions used with the accusative and the instrumental; The declensions of interrogative pronouns kdo, co; The declension of indefinite and negative pronounce někdo, něco and nikdo, nic; The relative pronoun který
  • Verbs used with the preposition s/se and the instrumental; Verbs used with the preposition o and the locative
  • The imperative; The negative imperative; “Aby-clauses” (with the conjunction aby); Expressing advice or suggestions (subordinate clauses with aby, and že); The vocative singular; Diminutives
  • The partitive genitive; The possessive genitive; The genitive plural; Counting in Czech
  • Polite requests or appeals; The verb moct in the conditional; The nominative plural of Ma and N nouns; The nominative and accusative plural of Ma nouns
  • The pronoun svůj, svoje; The comparison of adverbs
  • Ordinal numbers; Verbs with the reflexive se and si; The reflexive passive
  • The relative pronoun který; Revision of singular adjective and noun declensions; Standard and everyday spoken Czech

If you want to apply for a permanent residence permit in the Czech Republic, then you definitely need our Czech A2 Exam Preparation Course Online. Our experienced teacher knows exactly what is required to successfully pass a language test for obtaining a permanent residence permit. Hurry up and enrol now! 

Prepare for the Czech permanent residence exam with the SOLARIS Language School!

The course is a great opportunity to effectively prepare for the Czech permanent residence exam. You will acquire the appropriate comprehensive language skills that will be required from you for the Czech A2 exam – reading, listening, oral interaction, independent oral expression and written expression. All this at the required A2 level according to the CEFR.

The Czech A2 Exam Preparation Course Online is one of the SOLARIS Language School public group courses and takes place online at a given time in a group of 3 – 7 students. The course is purpose-focusing and very effective. Lessons take place twice a week, always ninety minutes in the evening after work online. If the set time does not suit you, there is still the possibility to prepare for the A2 Czech exam through our individual tailor-made course for obtaining a permanent residence permit. Simply fill out the online form.

Those interested in the Czech A2 Exam Preparation Course Online are expected to have language skills at A1 level. This corresponds to, for example, the mastered curriculum in the range of lessons 1 – 12 of the Česky krok za krokem 1 textbook. 

Throughout the lesson, students are in contact with the lecturer via a web camera. All you need is an internet connection and a smartphone, tablet or computer. You do not need to install anything, just click on the link and join the lesson.

Please read the 5 brief rules that apply to the group courses of the SOLARIS Language School.

We guarantee a 14-day refund period without giving any reason. For the full wording see Terms & Conditions – 9. Refund and Return policy.

Useful information regarding the examination for granting a permanent residence permit can be found on the website of the National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic – NPI CR and the Institute for Language Preparatory Studies of the Charles University (Ústav jazykové a odborné přípravy) – ÚJOP.

Are you considering preparing for the A2 Czech language exam? You can rely on our experience. The SOLARIS Language School is giving you a helping hand!

Czech A2 Exam Preparation Course Online PROS & CONS

  • after work classes
  • online – no travel hassle – study anywhere
  • lower price compared to individual courses
  • convenient learning
  • qualified teacher - significant progress
  • friendly approach
  • building confidence
  • precise focus on Czech A2 exam preparation
  • fixed days and times compared to individual courses
  • other people studying with you



To purchase a group course at the SOLARIS Language School, you must first log in to your user account. If you don't have any account yet, it is very easy and intuitive to create one as a step during the purchase process. You can also go through a brief guide on How to purchase a group course.

See you in the group course of the SOLARIS Language School!
