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Czech Lessons Online A1 Twice a Week SUMMARY

Czech Lessons Online A1 Twice a Week TEXTBOOK

Česky krok za krokem 1 textbook

Lída Holá – Česky krok za krokem 1

The first part of the popular textbook of Czech for foreigners by Lída Holá.

In this course, you will cover the following chapters from the textbook: 1-12

Czech Lessons Online A1 Twice a Week FAQ


  • SEZNAMUJEME SE Personal pronouns; The verb být; , and -uj conjugations in the present tense; Adressing people; The verb mít; How is that written? Czech letters; Getting to know each other; Pronunciation; Formal and informal dialogues; Who is it? What is he doing?; The numbers 0 – 10; Contact information; Professions
  • KDE JE TO? Grammatical gender; The nominative singular; The verbs  jít and jet; Adverbs expressing direction and location; Where is it? On the left, right, up, down; Writing e-mails; Numbers 10 – 1000; Locations
  • JÍDLO A PITÍ Grammatical gender – revision; The accusative sg; -e conjugations in the present tense; The verbs chtít, jíst and mít rád; Food and drink – In a restaurant; An invitation for coffee
  • MOJE RODINA Possessive pronouns; The verb jmenovat se; Possessive adjectives; The accusative sg – revision; My family; How is he/she/it…?; The numbers 1000 – 10,000
  • KDY JE TO? Talking about time; Modal verbs; The prepositions od / do; The expression rád; When is it? When will we meet?; Marina´s day; An early bird or a night owl?; Marina´s week; Daily routine
  • CO JSI DNES DĚLAL/A? The past tense; The  second position is Czech sentences; The locative singular; The expressing place. The question kde?; The verbs vědět x znát; What did you do today; Where were you?; When was it?  Do you know who it was?; Countries, nations, languages
  • DŮM A BYT Verbs with the accusative; The nominative and accusative plural; The numerals 1 and 2; The date; Houses and flats; Furnishing a flat or house; Looking for accomodations
  • PLÁNUJEME VÍKEND The future tense; Expressing direction – The question kam?;  “Naverbs”; Planning our weekend; Eva and Professor Higgins; Free time activities
  • LIDSKÉ TĚLO Irregular nominative plural werb forms; Personal pronouns in the dative and accusative; Accusative object-centred expressions; The prepositions pro, za, na; The human body; What do we look like?; At the doctor´s office; At the pharmacy
  • MÍSTO, KDE BYDLÍME Prepositions with the genitive; The genitive singular; Expression direction – the questions odkud kam?; The place we live; Eva goes from one job to another; Invitation to visit; Shops
  • NA DOVOLENÉ “Long” and “short” verbs of motion; Basic verbs of motion with the prefixes při- and od-; Prefixes and their meaning; On holiday; Travelling
  • TRADIČNÍ SVÁTKY Imperfective / perfective verbs; The future tense of perfective verbs; Traditional holidays; Cleaning up; What are your plans for holidays?

Are you considering a Czech course online? Start a new chapter of your life and study Czech with us! Are you an absolute beginner? In that case, the Czech Lessons Online A1 Twice a Week from the SOLARIS Language School are just for you! You do not need to worry about travel hassle. Study Czech anywhere because this course is online! This Czech course online has a brisk pacetwo 90-minute lessons per week, which effectively and engagingly draw you into one of the key Slavic languages at the A1 knowledge level.

With the Czech Lessons  Online A1 Twice a Week, you will move forward! In the course you will learn the basics of Czech grammar, master Czech transcription and pronunciation, learn to use important verbs such as být, mítjít, jet, chtít, jíst, mít rád, jmenovat se, vědět, znát, familiarize yourself in determining the place and direction, learn to count in Czech, write an e-mail, master the past and future tense, determine the time, understand the prepositions and prefixes and develop a decent vocabulary that covers useful topics such as family, professions, food, drinks, daily routine, countries, nations, languages, free time activities, the human body and many others.

Study anywhere – the Czech Lessons Online A1 Twice a Week as its title suggests take place over the internet in small groups of 3 to 7 students with an experienced and qualified tutor. You will always study in the evening, so learning does not interfere with your work duties. By completing the Czech Lessons Online A1 Twice a Week, you will gain a solid foundation of knowledge of the Czech language, which you can further effectively build on.

There are no prerequisites. Absolute beginners are  welcome. No knowledge of Czech required for joining this Czech course online.  Learn from scratch!

Throughout the lesson, students are in contact with the lecturer via a web camera. All you need is an internet connection and a smartphone, tablet or computer. You do not need to install anything, just click on the link and join the lesson.

Please read the 5 brief rules that apply to the group courses of the SOLARIS Language School.

We guarantee a 14-day refund period without giving any reason. For the full wording see Terms & Conditions – 9. Refund and Return policy.

See basic information about the Czech Republic on Wikipedia.  Those interested in studying in the Czech Republic can find a lot of information on the website, while information about working in the Czech Republic is offered by the website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Very useful information for foreigners living in the Czech Republic is provided by the popular portal.

Czech Lessons Online A1 Twice a Week PROS & CONS

  • efficiency - brisk pace of study thanks to two  90-minutes lessons per week
  • after work classes
  • online – no travel hassle – study anywhere
  • lower price compared to individual courses
  • convenient learning
  • qualified teacher - significant progress
  • friendly approach
  • building confidence
  • fixed days and times compared to individual courses
  • other people studying with you

To purchase a group course at the SOLARIS Language School, you must first log in to your user account. If you don't have any account yet, it is very easy and intuitive to create one as a step during the purchase process. You can also go through a brief guide on How to purchase a group course.

See you in the group course of the SOLARIS Language School!
